A girl and her love of nail polish

Posts tagged ‘hiatus’

Happy Holiday Hiatus

Hope everyone has been enjoying the holiday season. Thanks very much to everyone who has read Polish Groupie this year, commented on a post, sent me info on a restock, shared a link or followed on social media. I very much appreciate you sharing your nail polish passion with me.

I will be taking a break for the rest of this year, so Restock Radar posts will resume on Monday, Jan. 6, 2014. I will be updating my twitter feed and facebook pages in the meantime with any indie polish launches or restocks I find. You can follow me there at @polishgroupie and facebook.com/polishgroupie.

I hope to be able to get back to doing more nail art and polish swatches in 2014. Consider it a New Year’s Resolution. My husband probably wishes my resolution was something more like “stop spending so much on nail polish.” Ha ha! 

I added a lot of new indie polish brands to my collection this year (Girly Bits, The Lady Varnishes and Jindie Nails to name a few that I was very excited to add), but there are so many others I still haven’t been able to buy to yet. If you are a regular reader, then you have a pretty good idea of the brands I follow regularly, but if there are others out there you’d like to see updates on, please leave a comment and let me know.

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Wishing all of you polish groupies a healthy, happy, prosperous 2014. Hope you get to cross all of your lemmings off your list (as if you wouldn’t immediately add 10 more!)

And if you are giving or receiving gifts this season, I hope at least some of them are polish!

See you in the New Year,


Baby Break!

Fellow Groupies,

Polish Groupie will be taking a short break … my baby boy arrived today! I will be back once we get settled in. Mom, Dad and Big Brother couldn’t be happier!

Many thanks for your continued support,


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